Friday, August 7, 2009

Organic Gift Baskets California 5 Good Reasons to Buy Organic

For many people, wanting food that is better for our environment and us is the primary reason for choosing organic products. Modern issues with health and environmental risks that are associated with the use of toxic synthetics, growth hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, irradiation, and genetically engineered food continue to impact the health of consumers. Listed below are several of the most important reasons to buy organic.
Preserving Healthy Farms
When you buy organic products you are supporting a number of ways in which organic farming helps to preserve our agricultural environment. Improving Our Soil Healthy soil is the cornerstone of the organic farming system. Organic methods of food production favor composting, traditional livestock breeding, and preserving the surrounding natural ecosystems and use of renewable resources to achieve a more sustainable agricultural environment. By actively improving organic matter, organic producers invest in the long-term health and productivity of their soil.
Promotion of Biodiversity
Organic operations promote wildlife diversity. All forms of life ranging from microorganisms to mammals benefit from organic farming.
Protecting Water Quality
Organic farming protects our water supply from these harmful substances and keeps our streams and rivers free of damaging chemical runoff and other pollutants.
Preserving the Landscape
Although many large scale farming operations are making the move towards organic farming, most organic farms are small or family operated. Less than one quarter of the USA’s 2 million farms are family operations, and organic farming is one of the few survival tactics they have left.
Stopping the Spread of GMOs
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not allowed in organic production. Since GMO labeling is not in place, choosing organic products is the only way for consumers to ensure their food is produced without being genetically engineered.
Those are 5 good reasons to buy organic gift baskets in California. As a nice way to say thank you to someone and at the same time thank the planet. We have power with our consumer purchases and should direct that power to be in harmony with the planet.
Eileen Scudder has been in the organic food and gift industry for over 15 years. She currently sells customizable organic gift products from her online store. Shop now for unique corporate and personal organic gift baskets california.

Why Buy Organic Gift Baskets in California

Healthy People
Healthy soil breeds healthy plants. Healthy plants produce healthy, nutritious crops. Healthy crops provide tasty, nutrient-rich foods. Tasty, nutritious foods make for healthier diets, individuals, and families. Similarly, animals that are raised without the use of artificial hormones and antibiotics and are allowed to graze freely and naturally on pastureland produce healthier meets with superior quality.
Numerous studies show that organically produced food is more nutritious than conventionally grown produce. Studies indicate that organically grown food has higher amounts of vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorous and iron - all nutrients vital for the healthy functioning of our bodies. Eating organic produce and processed fruits and vegetables also increases antioxidant intake. Researchers have found organic crops can contain 10 - 50% higher levels of antioxidants.
Keeping our Families Safe
A study by The Organic Center found that “45% of conventional fruit and vegetable samples contain residues from two or more pesticides” and that the average child in America is exposed to at least five pesticides daily in their food and drinking water. Children can be especially sensitive to pesticide residue in food. Pesticides are implicated in birth defects, nerve damage, and genetic mutations. Exposure to toxic chemicals has also been linked to the development of allergies, asthma, and autism. In a study published in October 2007, it was found that children born to mothers who lived near fields treated with pesticides are more likely to be inflicted with autism spectrum disorder. A year-long study at Emory University’s School of Public Health found an immediate and dramatic drop in organophosphate pesticide metabolites in the urine of school-age children in the greater Seattle area when they switched from eating conventional fruits and vegetables to organic fruits and vegetables.
The True Value of Organic
Healthy, high-quality organic foods have a value beyond their price tag. Organic farmers often pay higher costs for environmentally-friendly farming practices that are both labor-intensive and expensive. The price of conventional foods in comparison to organic does not include the impact of toxic chemicals to human health, or serious environmental impacts. When you buy organic products you are investing in your health and the health of the planet.
Eileen Scudder has been in the organic food and gift industry for over 15 years. She currently sells customizable organic gift products from her online store. Shop now for unique corporate and personal organic gift baskets california.